Insulin Resistance Symptoms in Horses

Posted by Michael Peterson on

Insulin resistance (IR) in equines, particularly in horses, is a metabolic disorder where the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to impaired glucose uptake and utilization. This can result in a range of symptoms, and if left untreated, can lead to more serious conditions such as laminitis or founder. Here are some common symptoms of insulin resistance in equines:

  1. Obesity: Horses with insulin resistance may have difficulty losing weight or may gain weight easily, especially in specific areas such as the neck (cresty neck), tail head, and behind the shoulders.

  2. Regional adiposity: This refers to the abnormal distribution of fat in specific areas, such as the aforementioned cresty neck, tail head, and behind the shoulders.

  3. Chronic or recurrent laminitis: Laminitis is a painful inflammation of the tissues (laminae) within the hoof. Insulin resistance can increase the risk of developing this condition.

  4. Lethargy and decreased performance: Horses with insulin resistance may show signs of decreased energy levels, poor stamina, and reduced performance in work or competition.

  5. Excessive thirst and urination: Insulin-resistant horses may drink and urinate more frequently than normal, as the body tries to flush out excess glucose.

  6. Slow or delayed wound healing: Insulin resistance can impair the body's ability to heal from injuries or infections.

  7. Infertility or reproductive issues: Insulin resistance can negatively affect reproductive functions in both male and female equines.

It's important to note that not all horses with insulin resistance will exhibit all of these symptoms. If you suspect your horse has insulin resistance, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and consider adding Colla3 Plus to their feeding regimen.

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